Our approach - Africa Diaspora Investment Group (ADI GROUP)

Our Approach

ADI GROUP is a civic and inclusive investment fund with Togolese in the diaspora and within the country as its main stakeholders. This program also targets associations, unions, investment clubs and various stakeholders in the development of Togo and the continent.

The ADI fund plays a leading and fundamental role in financing businesses because the guarantee constitutes a pledge that allows the bank to grant credits to SMEs/SMIs.

  • Subscriptions to the ADI fund are made through a fundraising mechanism by call for subscriptions for all Togolese and any other persons wishing to participate.
  • Subscriptions are registered with SGI-TOGO, which is the trustee and depositary of the fund.
    SGI-TOGO, the institution that guarantees the subscribed shares, is responsible for issuing purchase certificates to subscribers.
  • The fund is managed by a joint committee of ADI GROUP/SGI-TOGO managers.
  • The fund is invested in several financial vehicles for optimization.
  • The fund is used as a security pledge to guarantee the financing of loans to SMEs/SMIs.
  • The guarantees are issued to support the financing requests of SMEs/SMIs.
  • The fund intervenes in private equity with equity participation in specific and strategic companies with a specific transfer period.
  • The fund is a key player in the training, monitoring and support of companies to create an ecosystem of quality and good governance within companies.

Copyright © 2024 ADI GROUP SA

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